Kombi-Ads! What made this all happen.
Kombi-Ads! Your mobile advertising medium
In June 2010 I saw an ad in a newspaper, " 1975 Bay window Combi Panelvan for sale. Because of my love for vintage cars, I immediately reacted and bought the Combi.
At first it was something different to drive around with, but then we realized how much attention it attracks. With my background of buying and selling used vehicles, I know it does'nt matter what you drive, there will always be another persons car which is nicer. But with this one, everybody was looking.
The kids are grazy about our vintage Combi, and when kids like something, they always shows it to their parents. White, Black, Brown, Pink! Everybody was , and still is, looking.
Coming from an advertising background, we knew that this can be something different.
And there it is, KOMBI-ADS!
In December 2010 Marinda started a business, All Ads...
Have to drop the kids at school, will be back in a jiffy!
...... Hi, I'm back! Took longer than I thought. As I said, in December 2010 Marinda started a business, All Ads. Her goal was to render a service to her clients which will include everything in connection with advertising from one portal.
Websites, newspaper, television, pamplets, business cards, car magnets! Whatever your needs may be, she wanted to render that service.
With the huge advertising market out there, we had to build a client base, and then we finally decided to start with Kombi-Ads. To take your business to the public.
You can reach our website in a few different ways. Firstly you can type in any one of the two website addresses. or . Both will direct you to the same website. If you want to go directly from the google search engin, you can use any one of the words allads, all ads, kombiads, kombi-ads, kombi ads or any of the keywords related to one of the businesses listed. For example, if you google the words "langarm dans pretoria", you will find us at number 9 on page one, and that only after three to four weeks. The company listed is "Die Meelvloer".
We officialy started with marketing the 01 April 2011 and am glad to say that the response is over welming. People stop us to get telephone numbers of our clients. Our website hits rocketet to over 15000 hits in only four months.
Enough of us. We want to welcome each and everyone who are busy joining or already joined the Kombi-Ads family.