South Africa Business Directory

ClarionCall Mobile Outdoor


Alberton, Gauteng, 1425

Contact Information

Description about ClarionCall Mobile Outdoor

Advertise using dynamic, moving trailer billboards

* Take your message anywhere you want to. Trailer advertising works.Stru!
* Your ad is much more visible
* You can place it where your customers and competitors are
* Trailers can reach large audiences in seperate areas, without having to duplicate your message; just drag it to where you want it and save money
* Exposure is continuous 24/7, weekends; no one flips a page, or switches off, or even throws away your ad. Good value for money
* Advertising will stop costing and start paying you money. That's how it should be!!!

Press Release from ClarionCall Mobile Outdoor

Trailer Advertising [Monday, December 20, 2010]

 It is unjustified to waste resources by duplicating your message in order to get it to a large audience.

Trailer billboards are mobile, so you simply take your message to where you want; wherever; whenever. We help you design your artwork for free, gratis, mahala.

We can also help you distribute pamphlets if that is required for added impact. Use our trailers to stimulate retails sales through positioning your adverts near points of purchase.

Trailer adverts are the single high-impact platform which you have total control of; no one switches off your advert, no one flips the page, and no one throws it away because it is yesterday's. Your exposure is continous.

The ability to move your advert, means your advert stays fresh and doesn't become part of the sorroundings. 

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