South Africa Business Directory

Ekse Mamela Sani clothing


10 Gobler str Station Road Ekse mamela sani clothing Cape Town, Western Cape, 8001

Contact Information

Description about Ekse Mamela Sani clothing

Bazomamela iDurban ingenile


           ::::::::::::::::: FACT DURBAN ROCKS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

EKSE MAMELA SANI: is a lifestyle clothing for hot socialites, if you hot and u appreciate beauty, wanna be seen ....EKSE MAMELA SANI..

when we say : "EKSE MAMELA SANI" u say "EKSE NDIMAMELE SANI" Durban Designs now launches a brand that communicates the language of its targeted market at a grass root level:
EKSE MAMELA SANI is lifestyle clothing exclusively for hot socialites

“We don’t dream style we posses it”

“We don’t dream style we posses it”

if it’s not tagged it’s a fake