are you aware of the statistics regarding house breaking or theft within your area? Living in South Africa means that these stats are high!
Intricate Steel is a registered Cape Town based business that offers quality products at an excellent price with outstanding follow-up service.
Products offered include:
§ safety gates
§ burglar bars
§ fencing or fence extensions
§ electric fencing , motor for gates , access control
§ we also do solar panels with power packs for when Eskom is out 3rd photo is solar panels mounted on a roof for more info on this you can go to or contact us
§ handyman works ,painting,tiling, plumbing ,car ports ,water proofing , thous odd jobs that just don't get done
building of Koi ponds,we do almost any and everything
do you need someone to check on your maintenance needs we do maintenance contracts drop us a mail for our rates from houses to blocks of flats we do it all
Intricate steel also manufactures custom-made wrought iron furniture as well as candles holders which will bring style to any home or business.
We do all locations from Northern to Southern Suburbs
for quote call Steven 0826599987 or mail us;[email protected]