South Africa Business Directory

Kalahari Ballooning - Hot Air Ballooning SA - Augrabies


Route 359 10 km from the Falls Augrabies , Northern Cape, 8874

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Description about Kalahari Ballooning - Hot Air Ballooning SA - Augrabies

At last, Hot Air Ballooning SA has a permanent Kalahari Ballooning operation at Augrabies. Here is the outline and a review on the flight.

We have been asked if we fly over the Falls. Ballooning is a variable science and Park regulations limit our manouverability. We do not usually fly directly over the falls but launch about 8km's upstream and on about half of the flights, pass close enough to ensure stunning views of the Orange River, the Blouputs Valley, Riemvasmaak and the Namib skyline.

Some days we head upstream and have landed behind Lutzville and over, past Bobbejannkrans and Neusberg and land near Warmsand on the Keimoes road.

Flights last about an hour, the whole process takes 3 to 4 hours, depending on the destination.

Our current special introductory offer is R6000 for the flight for 2 or 3 adults or a family of 4 (Two adults, two teens) (Weight limit 300kg)

Sport flying is also available with longer or more interesting flights available.