Ink for printing on shadecloth comes in a clear base manufactured by Shadenet Ink and supplied to Printed Shadenet Solutions and supplied to screenprinters or spraypainters worldwide who would like ink for printing on shade cloth. The clear base is a water-based ink for printing on shade cloth produced to the correct viscosity for use just as it is in screenprinting and spraypainting. For screenprinting, Shadenet Ink can be thickened using normal thickener. For spraypainting, the clear base Shadenet can be used as is and is best sprayed using an airless spraygun.
The water-based ink for printing on shade cloth is environment friendly and non-toxic. I can be used by any screenprinter or spraypainter. The market demand for printed product is usually large format so the ink for printing on shade cloth is best suited to screenprinters who have a lot of space, long tables and can handle large screens.
Spraypainting using ink for printing on shade cloth is a quick and easy way yo do it as there is no setup cost, templates can be made to spray images, it dries much quicker that screenprinting. For longer runs, it is hard to beat the low cost of screenprinting using ink for printing on shade cloth.
Now, screenprinters and spraypainters can add to shadenet or shade cloth to their range of substrates using ink for printing on shade cloth from Shadenet Ink. Shade cloth is a difficult substrate for printing on due to the oily nature of the HDPE extruded filament. So it is only with Shadenet Ink that you can get a durable finish or shadenet or shade cloth. So if you are looking for ink for printing on shade cloth durably then Contact Printed Shadenet Solutions or Shadenet Ink.