Description about Quantum Business Opportunities
Romando 114 (PTY) Ltd, trading as Quantum Business Opportunities is a registeredSouth African Company, acting as brokers and trading within the South African &global commodity market.
In the past 3 years, we have researched a wide spectrum of commodities, which includes iron ore, chrome, diamonds, gold, coal, petroleum products, South African mines, investment properties, developments, and industrial land.
Our time in the commodity industry was initially spent negotiating between intermediaries, but after a period of time, we realised how difficult is was not only to proof the legitimacy of the the offers, but also to find serious and capable buyers/sellers. Therefore we have decided to place our focus within the petroleum sector, in which we have gained experience from participating in the search for "cheaper fuel" on a full time basis for over two years now.
We are not agents selling "ghost" fuel, we work directly with reputable fuel wholesalers and bulk diesel suppliers. We able to source; diesel, petrol, IP, JP54 & LPG Gas on short notice and will negotiate a price on your behalf, either at the same price than what you are paying or at a slightly lower price. In certain circumstances we will be able to negotiate substantial discounts. We are not out to become overnight millionaires, we charge a meagre two cents (2cents) for our services.
We will however make our services available to serious & competent clients, to assist with the sourcing of specific commodities or mines. We will not however waste your time, and we won't let our time be wasted.
Not all clients will be entertained, only those who can proof that they are already purchasing/supplying the said commodity, with a track record of success and company profile/web site.
We have the resources and the expertise to do business successfully and work directly with suppliers, buyers, and brokers.
We are also able to arrange transportation of commodities in the mining, manufacturing, as well as the agricultural sector.
Thanks for visiting our site and we wish you all the success in 2011.