South Africa Business Directory

SA Busess Hub


123 Seventh Ave Belmont Park Kraaifontein, Western Cape, 7570

Contact Information

Description about SA Busess Hub

The SA Business Hub website was created in response to the need of small business owners in South Africa requiring affordable and accessible on demand business training, knowledge and information, Coaching, a online marketplace for goods and services and a global network of small business owners and entrepreneurs.


Our mission is to provide quality Business Coaching, information, products, services, and solutions to small and growing businesses. Through the SA Business Hub Web site, entrepreneurs, businesses, coaches, and business professionals are able to access a comprehensive set of information, tools, and services to start and grow a business, solve business problems, raise capital, enhance sales and marketing, obtain strategic advice, and leverage the business community.


Our website is one of the most comprehensive sites on the Web for small and growing businesses, with over 150 business courses, 200 tele-classes, 100 recorded classes downloadable in MP3 or Real Audio, short courses, more than 500 articles, 120 micro modules on a variety of business subjects, more than 400 business forms and agreements, questions-and-answers, business and software solutions, coaching contacts, e-books and a extensive range of business services. Our site is divided into the following major areas: