Description about SA Stock photos (MMP)
SAStockphotos has a wide variety of stock photos taken all over South Africa. SAStockphotos' ever increasing contains photos of wildlife including the Big 5 (Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Rhino and Buffalo), Predators, Mammals and other wildlife in Southern Africa. SAStockphotos also have a collection of nature and scenery from the Mpumalanga Province (Lowveld) in the East to Cape Town in the west.
Photos can be purchased online via Electronic Funds Transfer or Credit card and will be delivered on your doorstep on CD or can be downloaded if you are in a rush to get the photos.
SAStockphotos' clients include graphic designers, web developers, branding agents and large corporate companies that need special photos to brand their products. Photos can be used for vehicle -and banner branding, electronic newsletter, e-mail brochures as well as any other advertising and marketing campaigns