South Africa Business Directory

Zeezo Evolution


Torrington Villas Torrington Crescent Parklands, Western Cape, 7441

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Description about Zeezo Evolution

Zeezo Evolution is a company that remvoes peple that have been Blacklisted on the Credit Bureax and are now unable to open accounts, buy cars, buy houses or even buy anything on credit. Zeezo Evolution sends those people application forms where you give us authority to access your credit profile from various credit Bureax which are ITC Transunion, Experian, XDS and we check and see which companies have listed you and weather you have a Judgement or a Default. If it's a Judgement we then do a rescission of judgement and have that listing removed from your name, when it's a Default we have it Updated/Removed on the Credit Bureax. Zeezo Evolutions also offers loans for clients who do not have the finances to settle their accounts. If you have that dream car or beautiful house that you have always wanted to buy but have not been able to do so because you are Blacklisted, now is the time to act Zeezo Evolution is here to make those dreams come true. Call us on 011 022 9579 and we will excee

Press Release from Zeezo Evolution

BLACKLISTED, WANT A LOAN [Thursday, June 03, 2010]

Zeezo Evolution is a company that Removes or Clears People that are Blacklisted on ITC, Experian, XDS Credit Bureax. We deal with the 3 major Credit Bureax in South Africa to clear your name from the Credit Bureax. The process takes anything from 2-8 weeks depending on how many listing you have against your name.
We also offer Loans to Blacklisted People that are unable to get loans from the Bank. You could use the money to settle all your accounts or to buy something that you have always wanted to buy.

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