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van der Hoeven Smith Attorneys


23 Keiskamma, 451 Keiskamma Street, Erasmuskloof Pretoria, Gauteng, 0048

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Description about van der Hoeven Smith Attorneys

Van der Hoeven Smith Attorneys is a small firm affording our clients our immediate and personalised attention. We build up a personal relationship with our clients and thus provide outstanding service since we understand our clients' needs. We also act as correspondents for numerous attorneys, examining, lodging and registering their deeds on their behalf.

Van der Hoeven Smith Attorneys specialises in property law, conveyancing and Notarial matters. We not only handle routine conveyancing matters but also open Township registers, Sectional Title Schemes, Subdivisions, Servitudes and other matters relating to property law. We understand that many of our clients do not transfer properties frequently and we have the time to explain the procedure to them, making the transfer process a pleasure rather than the nightmare its always made out to be!

Our services include:
- Property law and Conveyancing
- Antenuptual contracts